Healthy heart screening

Wessex Cardiology provide a "Healthy Heart Screening" service. This involves a consultation with a consultant cardiologist an ECG, risk factor assessment and examination. Further investigations are then tailored to individual needs and may include a cardiac ultrasound examination (echocardiography) to look for structural abnormalities of the heart and associated structures. On occasions we may recommend that a CT scan of the coronary arteries is necessary to evaluate the possibility of coronary artery disease. Exercise treadmill test are now rarely used in contemporary practice. For further details, contact us.
Spire Hospital also hosts a BUPA wellness facility for a more general health screening assessment.
Spire Hospital also hosts a BUPA wellness facility for a more general health screening assessment.
Coronary CT scanning

Are you worried you could have heart disease? Are you overweight? Are you unfit? Do you have diabetes? Do you have a high blood pressure? Do you have a high cholesterol? Do you smoke? Is there a family history of heart disease? If the answer to any of these is yes then you could have heart disease.
There is a safe way to screen for heart disease using a CT scan. The results of this combined with a consultant cardiologist's opinion will reassure you everything has been done to minimise your risk from heart disease. If you have significant heart disease it can be treated early preventing further possible complications.
There is a safe way to screen for heart disease using a CT scan. The results of this combined with a consultant cardiologist's opinion will reassure you everything has been done to minimise your risk from heart disease. If you have significant heart disease it can be treated early preventing further possible complications.