Fitness to drive
Driving after an operation or investigation is subject to certain restrictions. The DVLA have published recommendations regarding fitness to drive for a variety of cardiac and other conditions. These vary depending on the type of licence, restrictions for large goods vehicles (Heavy goods and public service vehicles) being more restrctive. In order to renew an LGV licence it is necessary for some patients to undergo an exercise ECG or sometimes a stress echo investigation to fulfil the DVLA guidelines. Wessex Cardiology can undertake DVLA exercise ECG investigations or stress echocardiography as required and provide a report directly to the DVLA under their instruction.
An excellent overview of driving and your heart can be found at the British Heart Foundation website. You can access the medical guidelines for fitness to drive. Information about cardiovascular disorders and driving can be found here. A full list of specific conditions/diagnoses and driving can be found at the government website.
Please note that this does not cover all investigations and procedures and if you are in any doubt you should contact your consultant or Wessex Cardiology, who will advise further.
For patients who drive a car and are not subject to the LGV (Class 2) regulations, there are still some restrictions for driving if you have cardiac disease and/or have undergone cardiac investigations. In general, if you have an invesitgation or procedure that requires administration of a sedative, it is likely you will be advised not to drive for at least 24 hours. Also, patient who have undergone coronary angiography, for which the DVLA do not give specific guidance, are generally advised not to drive the day of or following the procedure. These are general guidelines and may vary from individual to individual so you should always check with your consultant, especially if you are in any doubt.
An excellent overview of driving and your heart can be found at the British Heart Foundation website. You can access the medical guidelines for fitness to drive. Information about cardiovascular disorders and driving can be found here. A full list of specific conditions/diagnoses and driving can be found at the government website.
Please note that this does not cover all investigations and procedures and if you are in any doubt you should contact your consultant or Wessex Cardiology, who will advise further.
For patients who drive a car and are not subject to the LGV (Class 2) regulations, there are still some restrictions for driving if you have cardiac disease and/or have undergone cardiac investigations. In general, if you have an invesitgation or procedure that requires administration of a sedative, it is likely you will be advised not to drive for at least 24 hours. Also, patient who have undergone coronary angiography, for which the DVLA do not give specific guidance, are generally advised not to drive the day of or following the procedure. These are general guidelines and may vary from individual to individual so you should always check with your consultant, especially if you are in any doubt.